So, we have arrived at the end of week 7, with my boards finished, minus a typo, I want to write about my investigation and concept boards.
My investigation board looks at both my primary and secondary research. My first piece of primary research is on my mum and the things she has said about her battle she has everyday going out for a walk. I also included the questionnaire which I carried out on Typeform.

My secondary research looked at the case studies that I was handed by PathsForAll and the insights they had. I also spoke about videos that I had watched surrounding disabilities in different parts of the world.
My concept design boards focussed on different sources of inspiration and different places to grab elements for UI creation.
I also had some early wireframes sketches that I have started looking at and the layouts and each part of the journey.=

I will post a blog post up next week about how my presentations went and what feedback I received.