Microcopy or UX writing as it’s known makes the experience for the user as smooth as possible.
As far as I can tell, the goal of a UX writer is to make the process for the user a lot simpler.
Writing copy is important as it can also convey the personality of that product or service. Having good microcopy can even turn the most mundane of tasks into enjoyable ones.
Writing it as one continuous conversation can help the user feel at ease when using the product. Also having dynamic information when using the product can give the user an answer to their choice in real time.
It would appear microcopy can have numerous advantages such as:
– personalisation
– the confidence the user has in the system
– increases the chances of the user understanding more about what their choices entail
Reading a blog post on protoypr, where they were on a site which dealt in insurance policies, they felt exactly if they have done exactly this and it will be something that I will be looking to try and emulate as I try to engage my user when I have my content they desire.