So, with 2000 words written so far for my dissertation, which is due on Friday for its first checkpoint, I have decided to spend a little time writing about how I am going to tackle the 3 A3 boards we must present for the 30th of October.
As you can see, they both cover different topics of my project, but I want to cover them in several blog posts, mainly because I feel that they deserve an equal amount of attention, to try and do my project justice. So, in this blog post, I will be covering the Project Brief and Background, which set the tone for the rest of the two boards as it tells everyone what my project is.
The first part, which is the project brief, I already know what that is, although since I last presented my initial project idea, it has changed somewhat from then. The current brief is:
To create a digital resource that can accompany you to outside spaces and assist people is taking simple journeys, which will build their confidence. It will bring people together, either through social walking groups or a social media platform. The platform will be easy to navigate and will bring the user in touch with other like-minded people.
Whereas the original on the 02/10/2018 was:
To create a digital resource that can accompany you to outside spaces and assist people is taking simple journeys. It will bring people together, either through social walking groups or a social media platform. It must have a simple interface that gives the user useful information about their planned trip – while building their confidence in the outside surroundings at the same time.
Although this is likely to change, as there is still time for me to do some research, which can, in turn, affect the brief I have set myself.
Then there is the second part, which is honest, I decided to do some research into and find out exactly what project background meant for me and my project. Here is what I understand from it.

As far as I can tell, I must break it into 4 parts.
Describe the current situation and the problems that it currently has.
I must answer why I want to do this project and implement this solution to my design problem.
I must answer what technology or tools I plan to use in this project to design a solution.
It is essential I address what challenges I face in doing this project and what I must consider as a hurdle.
I must also back up my statements with data, quotes or facts. It is important my research is backed up to show I have justification in doing my project.
The last part I must look at sources of inspiration, which can include any existing apps, organisations and projects. I can also look at parallel projects which are running alongside mine, that could include looking at other people in my class.
In the next blog post, I will share what my answers are to the questions I have set myself.