After meeting with Chris and Ewan to get more in-depth feedback on my project, they had suggested some ideas that I could look at.
The first idea they suggested I have a think about is having my app more as a service, rather than a social network platform. They also suggested I start to look at scoping out my experiences with-in the app. This would help me understand what I was aiming my app towards and whether it would be more suited to be a service.
It was also suggested that I should not consider where my app would originate from right now and focus on how my app would be viewed, as a service or something else.
This is the first thing that I thought about having a look was scoping out my experience as suggested by Ewan, to try and understand who I am trying to design for.
So, I took my mind map – I then picked Building up confidence as the primary function and looked how I could shape a simple user flow through this function.
I then decided to look at my user first and decide briefly what their goals were.
Here is what I came up with below:
I wanted to start with a simple user journey which would display what the user would interact with. I wanted to strip back the functionality, adding nothing but the bare minimum so I would not get bogged down with too many functions and information. This is what my mind map was to get rid of.
I wanted to show what the hierarchy would be for each screen, for a journey where the user would understand instantly what the primary function is and not be put off with menus and buttons.
In four screens, the user picked the right journey for themselves and then travelled to the meet-up point, before given some information upon arrival about the walker taking them on the journey, with a bit more information on the journey.
With this user journey there would be a pre-defined route by someone who works with this as a service, either as a volunteer or as an employee. This would seem like the most logical way of looking at it, with people joining the journey and leaving feedback to other users.
I still felt this was still to high fidelity and I wanted to strip it right back into an even more simple journey by just showing the journey as a simple user flow map.