So today, I returned to the walking club I attended last week to try and get more insights into the users I am designing for. Today it was raining, quite …
10.5 – Meeting up with a Walking Group
So today I met up with a local health walking group who walk a short distance every Thursday at 1:30pm. It is operated by Dundee Health Team and they help …
10 – Guru’s Day
So, on Tuesday we finally hosted our guru’s day, where professionals from different industries would give some advice and tips on how to get the best out of our projects. …
10 – An early Guru…
We have arrived at Week 10, which means only one thing, Guru’s day. Surprisingly, I had an early visitor in Craig Lamb, who works at Sky Scanner as a Senior Product …
9 – Looking at user goals and flows/wireframes
After meeting with Chris and Ewan to get more in-depth feedback on my project, they had suggested some ideas that I could look at. The first idea they suggested I …
8.9 – Proto Personas, Mind Maps? I must be doing some research!
After receiving my feedback on my boards, I have already investigated walking that can treat depression. I found it very insightful and something at which I think I can think …
8.2 – Walking can help treat Depression?
After Chris briefly gave me feedback with where my app will originate, I decided to carry out some brief research into how GP’s prescribe walking and exercise to combat the …
8.1 – Time to collate all my information…
Today I had my presentation in front of my tutors Chris and Ewan. The presentation went over what was on my boards, as well as where I am currently on …
7.5 – Looking ahead to next week…
So, we have arrived at the end of week 7, with my boards finished, minus a typo, I want to write about my investigation and concept boards. My investigation board …
7 – Completing my first board…
When designing my first board, I had discussed in my previous blog post about the four questions I was going to ask myself when considering the background for my project. …